Gdansk outskirts

In the outskirts of Gdansk you will mostly find monotonous highrise areas filled with dull commie blocks, shopping malls and some villas. Even though the city center is flat, you will immediatly discover several very hilly areas, when going to the airport by bus. Once you leave the city, you will also discover that it is much much larger then it appears in its very compact historical city center.


17-storey residential highrises in the west outskirts seen on the bus on the way from the airport.


Modern church tower near the airport

There are many supermarkets and malls in the outskirts of Gdansk

Colourful residential building in the outskirts.   A private residence in Gdansk, reminds a lot of my childhood home!   Traffic form the airport

There are long forests between the airport/outer suburbs and the inner city.   Near the airport   Lech Walesa Airport

Residential area some minutes away by train from the central station.


Residential area near central Gdansk

Stocznia Gdanska Shipyard

Stocznia Gdanska Shipyard, just a short walk from the city center. This is where the famous strikes that led to Lech Walesa's Solidarity movement and the fall of the communism regime took place in 1970 and 1980.



Views from St Mary's Church:

Third Millennium John Paul II Bridge, built in 2001, has a 100m tall pylon. It spans over River Vistula's branch Martwa Wisla.


Highrises in the outskirts

A modern skyscraper and a church in the outskirts

PGE Arena, a futuristic arena in Northwest Gdansk with golden colours. It was built in 2011.   Bridge construction or some industry?   Seaport


Views from the flight Gdansk-Malmö and Malmö-Gdansk:

A huge highway intersection seen from the plane on the flight back to Malmö.


Another huge highway intersection

Outskirts of Gdansk from the plane

Tall mast outside Gdansk   Wealthy suburb of Gdansk   Mast and coastline, Baltic Sea

Tricity area: Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia